Meeting with Mohannad Al Hassani, President of the Syrian Organization for Human Rights

Press release

I met with Mohannad Al Hassani during the trial, the judge agreed on the
meeting and I had asked to meet with him before the start of the session,
however the judge decided that the meeting will be after it. Mohannad came to
the court handcuffed and entered the cage, in a small courtroom which was
filled with activists, lawyers and representatives of diplomatic missions.

Mohannad insisted on defending himself as he was clear and sure of himself,
submitting a file with evidence of his innocence and a report of over 40 pages
written by him in the prison and a huge file with certificates to prove his
innocence, including the evidence that the case had been fabricated. After the
session had finished and getting out of the courtroom, the judge sent me to
meet him, the meeting was in the same courtroom but it was empty, two police
officers attended the meeting .

Mohannad thanked every one for supporting his case as he said that his case
should be a case for every human rights activist in Syria, he added that we
should work together to eliminate all restrictions imposed on human rights. He
shed light on preventing activists to travel abroad and the non-recognition of
human rights activists and other violations committed.

I have conveyed the support of human rights activists and organizations that
I represent and confirmed that solidarity and support would be continued. After
5 minutes the police came to end the meeting . His spirit was high, despite the
fact that he was aware that the court will issue a verdict in any
circumstances, however his hope is to continue the struggle for the promotion
of human rights in Syria.

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