Considering th+at the judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran announced on 24 October 2022 the issuing of indictments against 315 detained protesters in the capital Tehran, at least four of whom are most likely to face the death penalty, against 213 protesters in Khuzestan province and 201 protesters in Alborz province; and has vowed to take a harsh approach towards other protesters;
Considering the ongoing crackdown on protests in the universities and cities across Iran;
Considering that the death toll during the recent protests since 16 September to 2022 to this date is at least 250 and the real number is likely higher, including at least 34 children;
Considering that thousands of protesters have been arrested, including school students and hundreds of civil society activists, in the last 40 days and are facing torture and harsh sentences;
Considering that thousands of courageous women have been spearheading the ongoing movement for freedom all over Iran with the slogan “Woman, Life, Freedom”;
Considering that the number of recorded death sentences carried out to this date in October 2022 is about 450 and the real number is likely higher;
Considering that other most serious crimes under international law and gross human rights violations committed in Iran in the past have not been investigated.
The 41st FIDH Congress
• Expresses its strong support for the movement for freedom in Iran;
• Repeats the calls made in joint FIDH-LDDHI statements for the establishment of an independent, international inquiry to address the atrocities committed since 16 September 2022 and other most serious crimes under international law and gross human rights violations committed in Iran.