20/08/2021 Statement El Salvador El Salvador: over 60 civil society organisations denounce the alarming deterioration of human rights situation en es
03/05/2021 Press release El Salvador El Salvador on the brink of authoritarianism, with rule of law and judicial independence at stake en es
12/02/2020 Press release El Salvador El Salvador: Bukele and the military forcing their way into the Legislative Assembly is an affront to democracy en es
20/11/2018 Our Movement Women’s Rights El Salvador: we demand that the Rights of Imelda Cortez be Guaranteed en es
16/05/2017 Urgent Appeal Human Rights Defenders El Salvador: extortion and death threats suffered by Ms Karla Stephanie Avelar en es
15/07/2016 Press release Women’s Rights CSOs and WHRDs Worldwide Condemn the ARENA Proposal for Longer Abortion-Related Criminal Sentences in El Salvador en es
Focus First inter-state referral to the ICC on Venezuela: An important but insufficient precedent set