17/12/2024 Impact Impacts Brazil: Piquiá de Baixo’s community members resettled to safe houses away from mining pollution en es
10/06/2022 Press release Brazil OECD’s accession roadmap may push Brazil to enact crucial reforms on environment and human rights en es fr pt
22/03/2022 Report Brazil Brazil must improve track record on environment and human rights as a condition for OECD membership en es fr
07/03/2022 Report Argentina New guide: How civil society can influence the OECD accession process en es fr
25/02/2022 Press release Business, Human Rights &... [Web launch] “Heavy metal”: From abuse-ridden mines to global consumer goods, the journey of Brazilian iron
24/02/2022 Report Business, Human Rights &... #IronMadeIn Brazil: Report reveals iron industry’s human rights abuses in supply chain en es fr pt
28/01/2022 Press release Brazil Civil society demands rigorous terms for the accession of Brazil and five other countries to the OECD en es fr
12/05/2021 Open Letter Brazil Organizations warn OECD of Brazil’s backsliding on human rights and environmental safeguards en es fr
Focus First inter-state referral to the ICC on Venezuela: An important but insufficient precedent set