The Gambian experience exposed in the documentary clearly illustrates how, after 22 years of dictatorship, the democratically elected authorities have decided to engage in a wide range of legal reforms, which include abolishing the death penalty. The film was directed by Arnaud Gaillard who is a member of the World Coalition Against Death Penalty and human rights activist who directed the film HONK on the death penalty in the United States of America.
The documentary was officially launched on November 5th 2017, during the 61th Session of the ACHPR. The panel discussion gathered a number of actors including Madam Kayitesi Z. Sylvie, Chairperson of the ACHPR Working Group on Death Penalty and Extra-Judicial, Summary or Arbitrary killings in Africa. Among the strategies foreseen by the ACHPR Working Group on the death penalty to achieve continental abolition is the adoption, by the African Union, of a Protocol on the abolition of the death penalty in Africa. The adoption of such a Protocol will ultimately constitute another trigger for the continental abolition.