09/06/2023 Statement LGBTQI+ rights Romania condemned by European Court of Human Rights for the lack of legal recognition for same-sex couples en fr
23/10/2017 Press release Ireland Tenants Welcome European Committee of Social Rights Finding That Ireland Has Failed To Provide Adequate Housing Conditions...
17/03/2016 Impact Impacts Azerbaijan releases a number of human rights defenders, more behind bars. en fr
17/02/2016 Impact Impacts Council of Europe tackles restrictive NGO laws and urges better protection for human rights defenders. en es fa fr
03/07/2015 Impact Azerbaijan The Council of Europe calls time on Azeri human rights crackdown en es fr
28/01/2015 Press release European Court of Human Rights European Court of Human Rights should strike a balance between freedom of expression and the fight against hate speech en es fr hy
27/03/2014 Press release Italy FIDH third-party intervention : access in Italy for same-sex couples to legal marriage
18/03/2014 Press release Finland FIDH third-party intervention : case of a gay asylum seeker in Finland facing torture in Iran.