Press release

In light of the upcoming European Parliament elections, three international human rights organizations today called on all candidates to lend their strong support to a new Human Rights Manifesto designed to improve the consistency, effectiveness and transparency of the European Union’s human rights policy. Amnesty International, the International Federation for Human Rights Leagues and Human Rights Watch have joined forces in an effort to boost the EU’s role in human rights promotion and protection worldwide.

" The Kosovo crisis demonstrates how, despite repeated denunciations by the European Parliament, human rights continue to be abused and innocent people are forced into exile," said Brigitte Ernst, Director of Amnesty International’s EU office. "The EU now owes them protection. Members of the European Parliament adopt human rights resolutions on a regular basis. Their good intentions need to be translated into concrete acts: human rights must be at the heart of the EU’s foreign affairs policy."

Patrick Baudouin, President of the International Federation for Human Rights Leagues, added:

"The Amsterdam Treaty, which entered into force on 1 May this year, entails important changes for human rights protection on EU territory. The European Parliament has a significant role to play to ensure that all Member States respect human rights and contribute to the promotion of human rights awareness outside the Union’s borders. It can encourage the business community based on EU territory to promote human rights and actively contribute to reinforce human rights here and outside, particularly the economic and social rights."

Lotte Leicht, Director of Human Rights Watch Brussels, stated:

"While the EU’s first step to establish a code of conduct for arms sales consistent with its human rights policy is welcome, we are still waiting for accountable and transparent mechanisms which would guarantee effective implementation. The increased proliferation and use of small arms has contributed significantly to today’s conflicts, human rights and humanitarian law violations worldwide. The fact that civilian casualties are on the rise and children are being used as soldiers are only some of the pervasive consequences."

In the Manifesto, European Parliament candidates are invited to commit themselves to:

 Respect the dignity and rights of all persons in the EU member states, including asylum seekers

 Promote the respect of human rights by third country governments

 Strengthen controls on arms exports from EU member states

 Encourage the business community in EU member states to promote human rights

 Conduct regular studies of the impact of EU policies on human rights

 Establish effective and democratic structures which reflect the priority given by the EU to the protection and promotion of human rights

The Manifesto will be sent to all candidates throughout the European Union in the run-up to the 10-13 June election. Candidates are asked to read, sign and return it to the NGOs.

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