
Victory for the Guatemalan people

6 years ago, over 150 people were killed by security forces in Conakry (Guinea).

Violence should not overshadow the legitimate mobilisation of Palestinians for their fundamental rights

Elections in Burma: what are the human rights commitments of political parties?


Our planet is not just threatened by CO2...

“This is an unparalleled, but probably long-lasting, crisis”. ‪#‎MigrantsDay‬ ‪#‎MigrantRights‬

Full support to Charlie Hebdo. Let us not give in to fear, more than ever we must fight for liberties! ‪#‎JeSuisToujoursCharlie‬

France denies justice to victims of torture in Algeria. Share this information to help us publicize this scandalous decision.

Five years after the revolution : Egypt’s Poorest Human Rights Record in its Modern History

Being born a girl, means clearing a lot of hurdles. And it begins right at the starting line...

[PETITION] Women’s Rights Day is every day...

What it really is? FIDH exposes the ugly truth behind cynical EU-Turkey deal

The testimony of the Belarusian human rights defenders who courageously denounce violations in their country.

In Kazakhstan and in Russia, the rights of migrant workers are violated!

FAKE NEWS on refugees must stop!

Join the fight against sexual violence in Africa !

Rally Dakar 2021 #StandWithSaudiHeroes ✊

✊Together, we uphold women’s rights. Today, and every day.

Living in a healthy environment is a human right ✊