If you are a private individual
Damien Cousin 33 (0)1 43 55 16 59

 If you are a company
Isabelle Chebat 33 (0)1 43 55 38 15

Donations and Legacies

The FIDH is entitled to receive donations and legacies,
free from any rights of succession.
For example, in 1988 the FIDH received a legacy from
the author, Michel Leiris, which enabled it to acquire
its head office at Passage de la Main d’Or in Paris.

Friends of the FIDH

Only associations can be members of the FIDH.
However, private individuals like companies may join
the support committee "Friends of the FIDH," as active
members (private individual: 150 euros, company:
1 500 euros) or as benefactors (private individual:
760 euros, company: 5 000 euros). They are then
entitled to receive the Letter and all other publications
by the FIDH, invitations to conferences, debates, film or
theatre previews...

Freedoms and Solidarity

In July 2001, the FIDH launched an ethically shared Unit
Trust, Freedoms and Solidarity. It is made up of 80 %
debentures and 20 % equity, which meets the ethical
criteria laid down by the FIDH. Half the income from
this is paid to FIDH, in the form of donations which give
right to a tax deduction in terms of the regulations for
state approved associations in France(66 %). Freedoms and
Solidarity are available to both natural persons and legal
entities, allowing them to support what the FIDH does,
whilst at the same time profiting from a sound
investment and favouring companies and States which
are more attentive to Human Rights.

 MORE (only in French)

Shared Products

The FIDH has benefited from the support of many
companies in creating shared products: Hermès, Fnac, Biche de
Bère, Sonia Rykiel, France Telecom... In December 2003,
the Fnac produced and marketed on behalf of the FIDH
a hitherto unpublished 3 track CD by Yann Tiersen, along
with a petition to protect defenders of Human Rights:
"Signing is defending." The campaign culminated with
a concert by Yann Tiersen in aid of the FIDH.


These events are organized in partnership with private
companies, whose employees or clients are invited to
them. Every year since December 2003, the FIDH organizes the
"Evening for Friends of the FIDH," in partnership with the Palais de Tokyo in Paris (Dinner prepared by four of the
greatest French chefs, private visits of the exhibitions, debate, performances, ...)


Urgent Appeals

Urgent appeals by the Observatory for the Protection of
Defenders of Human Rights are a warning system for the
international community about cases of harassment and
repression of defenders. Become one of the 90 000 or so
recipients of urgent appeals, by sending an email with
your email address to and help
free them from their isolation.

Public Awareness Campaigns

The FIDH reacts to current events by launching
campaigns, conducted by its member organizations across
the globe, to raise public awareness of and mobilise
a wide section of the general public to act in any situation:
CHINA, Corporations and Human Rights ; the assembly for the liberation of Aung San Suu Kyi on
8 August 2003 (15th anniversary of the democratic
uprising in Burma) ; the press and film campaign "Against
dictators and torturers, the best strike force is the law"
(1st anniversary of the ICC)...


The french Letter of the FIDH, bi-monthly, reports on the work of
the FIDH and its member leagues, and gives analyses by
its experts and results of its investigations, which last two
topics are all published in reports (more than 30 a year).
These publications are available on subscription, by the
issue in hard copy and on the FIDH Web site.


The FIDH Web site, and its two email news-letters,
in English and in French, give details of the most recent
on-line reports, press releases, petitions and urgent
operations. Subscription to their preferred news-letter
is free for all visitors, directly through the Web site.


 If you are a private individual
Damien Cousin 33 (0)1 43 55 16 59

 If you are a company
Isabelle Chebat 33 (0)1 43 55 38 15

Good to speak about it. Even better to apply it!

They were claiming that freedom, and physical and mental integrity for human beings must be defended everywhere, and in all circumstances. All human beings have these rights and nothing can justify depriving any category of people from enjoying them..

The sixtieth anniversary of this Declaration, that has served as the basis for all of these fights over the last decades, will be celebrated on 10 December. It will be an occasion to celebrate the progress and victories achieved, but also to measure the road ahead so that all human beings shall be "free and equal in dignity and rights", to use the words of this fundamental text.
"This anniversary is taking place in times of uncertainty" said Souhayr Belhassan, president of FIDH. "After the fall of the Berlin wall, in the 1990s, fundamental human rights were at the heart of national and international preoccupations, but during the first decade of the 2000s we see terror and misery still oppressing a large part of humanity" she added.
Yet, most national and international political leaders confirm their determination to abide by the principles inscribed in the Declaration. This may be cause for satisfaction, but there are very few who actually apply them. "That is why FIDH has decided to take a strong stance in celebrating this anniversary and give new life to this Declaration, with the watchword being "Good to talk about it. Even better to apply it", added Souhayr Belhassen.

Women and migrants, unprotected subjects

FIDH has decided to celebrate this anniversary by focusing on two fundamental groups of people whose human rights are systematically violated: women and migrants. Currently, both these groups are all too often without legal rights, regardless of where they are on earth. Yet women make up half of humanity, and there are over two hundred million migrants throughout the world. By fighting for these two groups of the world population targeted by discrimination, FIDH is seeking to reassert the universality of human rights.

Human rights defenders still in danger

FIDH will also continue defending human rights defenders who are in danger all over the world. They are thrown in prison, tortured by dictators, sometimes assassinated by private groups and States because of their endless daily fight to have the principles of the Declaration applied. The sixtieth anniversary is an opportunity to pay tribute to them and to make national leaders understand that defenders must be protected, wherever they are.

Punish the guilty

Guarantee all rights for all people, and protect the defenders who risk their lives in the pursuit of human rights offenders. Since the Declaration will not truly be respected until it is actively applied, the perpetrators of human rights violations, be they individuals, States or private players, must be held accountable.

This is why FIDH and its 155 member organisations that are dedicated to the defence of human rights, use all available channels of international justice to denounce perpetrators of crimes against humanity.

"Good to speak about it. Even better to apply it!" In both the North and the South, States and all other actors, regardless of where they are in the world, should start concretely implementing the Declaration. Although the 60th anniversary is commemorative, it should be recognised as an additional opportunity to promote its principles and demand its universal application,
Examples of activities by FIDH and its member organisations to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

FIDH is organising and participating in various events in France: a series of debates and a survey on human rights (in partnership with FNAC), a book on 60 years of fighting for human rights (in partnership with Flammarion publications and Magnum photos), the FIDH International Bureau meeting, the sixth annual gala evening, a month-long audio-visual programme on human rights (in partnership with Cinécinéma).

 In Thailand, the Union for Civil Liberty (UCL), has printed 70,000 copies of a simplified version of the Universal Declaration, in Thai, for children. A version in Burmese is also being edited.
 In the Dominican Republic, the Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (CNDH) is organising a seminar to inform the general public about human rights.
 In Peru, the Asociación pro Derechos Humanos (APRODEH) is holding a country-wide festival on the "cinema and human rights", to raise awareness about the Declaration throughout the country.
 In El Salvador, the Comisión de Derechos Humanos (CDHES) is holding meetings for victims of armed conflict and their families on the theme "United for justice: the end of impunity".
 In Nicaragua, the Centro Nicaraguense de Derechos Humanos (CENIDH) is organising a parade with the theme "standing up for our rights".
 In Morocco, the Organisation marocaine des droits de l’Homme (OMDH) is holding public debates, with special attention paid to the "democratic transition".
 In Tanzania, the Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHCR) is organising a group of human rights defenders who will climb Mount Kilimanjaro and put a copy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the summit.
 In Kenya, the Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) is organising a film festival on human rights, in partnership with the French Embassy, the Alliance française, IFRA and FIDH.
 Afghanistan will be honoured in the Netherlands at a theme-specific evening organised by the Liga voor de Rechten van de Mens.
 In Belgium, a concert of Mozart will provide support for the Belgian league’s human rights activities.