Resolution on the Human Rights Situation in Libya, adopted by FIDH’s 37th Congress in Yerevan

Press release
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Resolution on the Human Rights Situation in Libya

Presented by the Libyan League for Human Rights

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) meeting for its XXXVIIth Congress in Yerevan, Armenia,

Expresses its support to the women in Libya who meet every Saturday to demand answers as to the whereabouts of the remains of their sons and husbands who were victims of the massacre in the Abou Salim prison and calls on the Libyan government to establish an Independent Commission of Inquiry on the events
surrounding the massacre which occurred in June 1996 and resulted in approximately 1200 victims, to make the results of this inquiry public, to provide reparation to the victims’ families, and to bring those responsible before an independent tribunal.

Calls for the release of all prisoners of conscience, including Jamal al-Haji, and to end the detention of all prisoners of opinion in Libya.
Deplores the continued detention in secret detention centres run by intelligence services without any judicial review of prisoners who have been acquitted or have served their prison sentence, calls for the release of these prisoners and for the end of these detentions.

Calls of the Libyan authorities to immediately release Max Göldi, a swiss citizen, and allow him to return home immediately.

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