Syria: FIDH welcomes the release of Michel Kilo and calls for the respect of fundamental freedoms.

Press release

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) welcomes the release of Mr. Michel Kilo, a Syrian human rights defender and activist, on May 19th, after completing his full prison term for charges of "inciting sectarian conflict, harming the dignity of the state and shaking national sentiment".

Kilo was arrested three years ago, May 14th 2006, for his involvement in the Beirut-Damascus, Damascus – Beirut declaration, a document calling for improving relations between the Syria and Lebanon, and which was signed by several hundred intellectuals from both states. His arrest came two days after the declaration was issued.

FIDH had the opportunity to meet with Mrs. Kilo during a mission in Damascus that took place from November 24th-26th 2008 , regretting that Kilo was condemned and detained solely for the peaceful exercise of his right to freedom of expression and opinion and that the release did not take place in August 2008 when Kilo would have been eligible for an exemption of a quarter of the remaining prison time.

FIDH also recalls the numerous other detainees in Syria who have been held in relation to their call for respect of human rights and democratic changes in the country. As of today, Anwar Al-Bunni who received a five year sentence on the same charge as Kilo remains detained for signing the Beirut-Damascus, Damascus-Beirut declaration, and 12 other activists were condemned for their involvement in the national council of the Damascus declaration for national change in October 20081. FIDH has repeatedly expressed its concern about the unfair judicial proceedings those detainees are subjected to and the unfavorable conditions many Syrian activists remain held under. FIDH reiterates its call for the release of these activists.

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