A group of more than 150 Palestinian, regional, and international organisations express their full solidarity with the designated seven leading Palestinian civil society organisations: read here.
The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) is appalled by the seriousness of this new frontal attack against Palestinian civil society and human rights defenders working to denounce and document the crimes and serious violations of international law perpetuated by the occupying forces.
This is yet another attempt by Israel to delegitimise, discredit and isolate the organisations that defend the Palestinians’ right to self-determination and that tirelessly calling for a world order where there is a peace based on the respect for legality, accountability and fight against Israel’s impunity for its crimes against humanity and its apartheid system.
"This attack is an act of reprisal not only against Palestinian civil society but also against the entire human rights movement" explains Alice Mogwe, FIDH President.
"This cowardly act undermines the narrative of Israel, as one of the few democracies in the region. By relentlessly attacking human rights organizations and defenders, Israel is acting like an authoritarian state that wants to silence any dissident voice.”
In response to this serious attack, FIDH reiterates its unwavering support with the concerned organisations and all the Palestinian civil society. It recalls its firm position to continue to work, collaborate and support the organisations targeted by the Israeli authorities and would ensure that the international community translates its condemnations of the violations committed by Israel into concrete measures of protection for human rights defenders and Palestinian civil society.
FIDH calls on :
– the international community, in particular the United Nations and European mechanisms, to urge Israel to put an end to the persecution of Palestinian civil society, and to immediately reverse this illegal decision to ban the work of these organisations, as well as to to create an international mechanism to carry out investigations into the crimes of apartheid and persecution committed by the occupying force;
- all States to condemn in the strongest terms the oppression and harassment of the six organisations by the Israeli authorities and urge them to supportthe investigation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on Palestine;
– the global human rights movement and the technical and financial partners of the targeted organisations to show solidarity by strengthening their support for the six organisations.