Open letter to Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian National Authority

Press release

Mr. President,

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) is dismayed by the execution by hanging of Rai’id Khalil al Mughrabi, carried out in the central prison of Gaza on the 27th of July 2005.

Recalling the execution on the 12th of June 2005, of four prisoners who had been sentenced by civil courts and by the State security courts, the FIDH expresses its deepest concern at this fifth execution of a Palestinian since you were elected President of the Palestinian National Authority in January 2005.

The FIDH believes that the death penalty contradicts the notion of human dignity and liberty now universally acknowledged as supreme principles and as absolute norms; furthermore, the FIDH recalls that death penalty has by now proven to be utterly useless as a deterrent. Hence, neither principles nor utilitarian considerations can justify upholding capital punishment.

Mr. President, the FIDH urges the PNA to place a moratorium on the implementation of the death penalty which constitutes a serious violation of the principle of human dignity and of the right to life as well as a severe form of cruel and inhuman treatment.
The FIDH further demands that the death penalty be abolished in the Palestinian penal code that is currently being elaborated.

Sincerely Yours,

Sidiki Kaba
President of the FIDH

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