Press release
en fr

Kidnappings, followed or not by executions, which succeed in Iraq are one of the consequences of the bloody disorder in this country. Nothing can justify such acts which constitute an obvious violations of the more basic rights that the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the French League for Human Rights (LDH) condemn whatever the asserted reasons are and whomever the authors are.

The false imprisonment of the two French journalists and the threat of death against them are unacceptable. The official reason for this taking of hostages is as much inadmissible.

The FIDH and the LDH call for the immediate and unconditional release of Georges MALBRUNOT and Christian CHESNOT as for every hostage held in Iraq.

No matter what one thinks of the law on the wearing of religious signs in school, no one can take it as a legitimate pretext for kidnapping.

The organizations warn against those who would like to use these events to justify, in one way or another, their statement of opinion in this debate. They would play the game of the kidnappers and would take the responsibility of the most hateful and dangerous assimilations.

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