Report on FIDH International Board’s workshop on anti-terrorism and human rights

FIDH decided to organize an International Board meeting
in Cairo – Egypt - on 6-7-8 March 2008. This meeting
gathered FIDH international board members from all parts
of the world.

FIDH decided to start its International Board
meeting with a workshop gathering FIDH international
board members who come from all parts of the world,
along with legal experts, Egyptian public authorities,
Egyptian civil society – including in particular journalists,
judges and representatives of Egyptian human rights
organizations for an exchange of views and experience on
the compatibility of human rights with the transnational and
national fight against terrorism, with case studies on
Guantanamo, Algeria and Egypt. It was envisaged that the
varying geographical backgrounds and experiences of
FIDH international board members would introduce a
universalist perspective and therefore enrich the debate.

FIDH released the report of this workshop on anti-terrorism and human rights in June 2008.

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