On Thursday, September 1, 2016, the Turkish Government issued a decree, in the context of the State of Emergency rules, that foresees persons “identified to adhered or to be related to the formations or groups or terror organizations determined to pose a threat to the national security”, to be removed from their positions in the related public institutions and agencies, without the need to any further acts. Dismissed under the conditions of state of emergency, the concerned persons will neither be able to appeal the decision nor work in public sector for a lifetime; their passports will also be revoked.
On Thursday, September 1, 2016, the Turkish Government issued a decree, in the context of the State of Emergency rules, that foresees persons “identified to adhere or be related to the formations or groups or terror organizations determined to pose a threat to the national security”, to be removed from their positions in the related public institutions and agencies, without the need to any further acts. Dismissed under the conditions of state of emergency, the concerned persons will neither be able to appeal the decision nor work in public sector for a lifetime; their passports will also be revoked.
This decree permanently removed from office more than 50.000 civil servants employees, including 2.346 academics. Among the academics that were removed there are 44 « Academics for Peace » scholars who signed, in January 2016, a petition titled « We will not be a party to this crime », also known as Peace Petition. Their removal is the climax of a series of criminal and disciplinary investigations, custody, imprisonment, or violent threats, that the almost 2,000 signatories of the Peace Petition have faced in the latest months. Prof Dr Ümit Biçer, Member of the Board of Directors of the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey and faculty Member of the Forensic Medicine Department at the Kocaeli University has also been affected by the purge. .
Our organizations jointly affirm that the Government decree, leading to the removal of Academics for Peace, represents a serious violation of basic human right to defense, to fair trial and due process and an attempt to threaten to the independence of the academic community.
We also reiterates our deep concerns about the general and rapid escalation of violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Turkey. Since the failed coup on July 15, the Turkish Government has repeatedly used the State of Emergency extra-constitutional powers justified by the pretext of the failed coup attempt, to cleanse all critical voices, both political opponents and human rights defenders.
“I express my sincere solidarity to my colleagues from the academia, and strongly condemn the attempt to silence their critical, pro-peace and progressive voice. The Turkish authorities should immediately revoke the act and reintegrate them in their positions"
Finally, we call upon the European Union, the Council of Europe and the United Nations to act to ensure Turkey respects its international human rights commitments.
Read also: Urgent call for Solidarity by Academics for Peace
Call for Action by Human Rights Foundation of Turkey
Rights groups express deep worries over the state of emergency declared in Turkey