[UNITED CALL] For us, it’s a definite no !

Press release
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No to depriving persons of their nationality, no to a democracy under state of emergency, no to a constitutional reform imposed without debate, which exploits the legitimate fear provoked by the attacks.

We do not accept governance by fear, one that doesn’t offer security but permits the violation of our most essential principles.

Our reject is total. We call on all those who share an other idea of France to say so.


We will not give in!

We will not give in to those, who, in the name of the Islamic State have inflicted a moment of absolute inhumanity on Paris and Saint-Denis. Nothing can justify such assassinations, here or elsewhere. Every one of the victims lives within us, because we belong to the same humanity. Our solidarity towards them and their families is total. But it is by continuing to live freely and fraternally that our response will be equal to the immensity of the crime.

We are not naïve: we know that these acts of terrorism call for a response commensurate with the danger they represent. We also know that the role of the law enforcement and security forces is essential for the protection of our freedoms. That should not, however prevent us from considering how our society should respond to theses acts, and to the measures already set in train.

It is Democracy itself that is undermined when Parliament is called upon to debate from one day to the next under the pressure of emotion and the onslaught of demagogy on the part of politicians who cultivate fear.

Following the extension of the state of emergency and the increase of police powers, further measures have been announced by the President of the Republic.

We deem it essential to recall that nothing must be allowed to move us away from the rule of law and to deprive us of our freedoms. The state of emergency must not become permanent, nor should its implementation limit social democracy, the exercise of citizenship and public debate.

Since 1986, there has been innumerable laws increasing the powers of the police, setting up special courts and restricting our freedoms, under the pretext of combating terrorism. With the adoption of yet further legislative measures, some even of a constitutional nature, we have a duty to question their effectiveness and the additional curb to our freedoms that they entail. Before changing the law and giving the Sate increased powers, the government should ask itself why it has not proved possible to prevent such abominations. The authorities seek to adopt a martial response, but that guarantees neither security nor respect for our freedoms.

To deprive persons of their nationality, even if born French, once again sends out a message of a divided France. The silence of the President of the Republic, during the parliamentary debate, on the essential commitment of the State regarding equal rights, social justice, the development of public services, against all forms of discrimination and all manifestations of racism, dramatically increases the feeling of exclusion experienced by part of the population. It fuels the increasing stigmatization that is endangering our will to live together.

What we want, on the contrary, is that these tragic events be the occasion to build a path different from the one proposed to us. A path on which we refuse to find scapegoats, on which France refuses to be at war with herself. A path which gives pride of place to peace and equal rights, and which leads to solidarity, to a France open to others, welcoming to the outside world, a France that is free and fraternal.
For the sake of our freedoms, for a fully fraternal society, we refuse to give way to fear, the fear that those who have made death the mainstay of their life want to impose upon us

We call upon the women and the men of this country to maintain the bonds of solidarity and to fight all forms of racism. We also call for the defense of our freedoms, because we are determined at all times to exercise our freedom of information, of expression, of demonstration and of assembly. Our organisations will set up, all over France, places where we can debate, and we will keep a permanent watch to ensure that our freedoms are safeguarded and that no one be the victim of discrimination.

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  • Co-signatories

    AFD International, Agir pour le changement démocratique en Algérie (Acda), Altertour, Assemblée citoyenne des originaires de Turquie (Acort), Association démocratique des Tunisiens en France (ADTF), Association femmes solidaires comité Saint-Denis, Association France Palestine solidarité (AFPS), Association des Marocains en France (AMF), Association pour la reconnaissance des droits et libertés aux femmes musulmanes (ARDLFM), Association des travailleurs maghrébins de France (ATMF), Association des Tunisiens en France (ATF), Association des universitaires pour le respect du droit international en Palestine (Aurdip), Attac, Cadac, Cedetim, CGT Police Paris, Centre islamique Philippe Grenier (CIPG), Cercle Condorcet de Paris, Collectif BDS Saint-Etienne, Collectif CGT Insertion-Probation (UGFF-CGT), Collectif contre l’islamophobie en France (CCIF), Collectif féministes pour l’égalité, Collectif Judéo Arabe et Citoyen pour la Palestine (CJACP), Collectif Mémorial 98, Collectif national des Faucheurs volontaires, Collectif national pour les droits des femmes (CNDF), Collectif Stop le contrôle au faciès, Comité pour le développement et le patrimoine (CDP), Commission islam et laïcité, Conseil national des associations familiales laïques (Cnafal), Confédération générale du travail (CGT), Coordination de l’action non-violente de l’Arche (Canva), Coordination contre le racisme et l’islamophobie (CRI), Droit solidarité, Emmaüs international, Espace franco-algérien, Fédération internationale des Ligues des droits de l’Homme (FIDH), Fédération nationale de la Libre pensée, Fédération des Tunisiens citoyens des deux rives (FTCR), Femmes égalité, Filles et fils de la République (FFR), Fondation Copernic, Halte OPGM07, Ipam, Justice et libertés Strasbourg , La Cimade, Le Gisti, Le Mouvement de la paix, Liberpensula Frakcio de Sat, Ligue des droits de l’Homme, Mamans toutes égales (MTE), Minga-agir ensemble pour une économie équitable, Mouvement contre le racisme et pour l’amitié entre les peuples (Mrap), Osez le féminisme !, Planning familial, Powerfoule, Réseau d’alerte et d’intervention pour les droits de l’Homme (RaidH), Réseaux citoyens Saint-Etienne, Réseau éducation sans frontières (RESF), Réseau Immigration Développement Démocratie – IDD, Revue Ecole émancipée, Revue Inprecor, Revue Regard, Romeurope 94, Syndicat des avocats de France (Saf), Syndicat de la magistrature (SM), Syndicat national des journalistes (SNJ), SNJ-CGT, SNPES-PJJ/FSU, Solidaires étudiant-e-s, Union générale des fédérations de fonctionnaires CGT (UGFF-CGT), Union juive française pour la paix (UJFP), Unef, Union syndicale de la psychiatrie (USP), Union syndicale solidaires.

  • Member organisations - France
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