Getting out of the State of Emergency

Press release
en fr
Credit : Creative Commons

(Brussels, Paris) In response to the abominable attacks, the government has decreed a state of emergency that it expanded and extended for a period of three months. Our organisations immediately expressed their fears about such an emergency rule, fears that have been confirmed by the scope of the attacks on freedoms these last few weeks. We are witnessing a state of emergency that is being slyly used against persons who have no connections with terrorist attacks. Such abuse must be brought to an end.

After the attacks against Charlie Hebdo, and the Hyper Cacher in Vincennes in January 2015, people felt the need to come together and demonstrate. This feeling is still very much alive. Yet, since 13 November 2015, public demonstrations have been increasingly banned. Demonstrations are no longer seen as a right. Prefectures now seldom give their authorisation for people to exercise this right and when they do, it is often at the very last minute.

The Ministry of the Interior justifies these restrictions by saying that it would not be able to guarantee the safety of these places, yet, it has authorised sports and other events such as the Christmas markets which were held in public places. The ban on assemblies and demonstrations often leads to arrests, provisional detentions, house arrests, giving activists police records and, in some cases, condemnations. How can one believe that this provides the authorities with some relief?
Censorship, here, has proven to be doubly counterproductive......

The state of emergency empowers the prefect’s office to order searches, both day and night, without any legal basis, using records that may be wrong, denunciations, and unconfirmed information and suspicions. More than 2,600 discretionary intrusions were carried out in people’s homes, mosques, and businesses. Many of them have been violent and no one has been charged with terrorism. We know that anyone can be a victim and that there is no reason to believe that this frenzy will stop.

House arrests are becoming more and more frequent on grounds that are very vague, for instance, for demonstrations or simply for being acquainted with a certain person. These serious restrictions are applied indiscriminately and on a large scale, especially since the administrative courts turn a blind eye, in spite of the damage inflicted to freedoms. They agree with all the allegations made by the Ministry of the Interior and, to top it all, often feel that it is not urgent to take a decision on emergency rule.

The state of emergency and the civil war fueled by the government are contributing to these indiscriminate and discriminatory practices, particularly by the police. It is not "the terrorists who are being terrorised". Rather, it is the youth and population groups who, because of their background and/or religion, are being subjected to arbitrary decisions, and who see their situation becoming increasingly precarious.
Espousing the demands of the extreme right, with FN in the lead, the government is shamefully trying to amend the Constitution to extend the conditions of loss of nationality to cover dual nationals born in France.

Attempting to change the democratic contract is not the way to respond to acts of terrorism, Our country has been wounded, and rather than healing the wounds, the state of emergency is making them worse by undermining our democracy and invalidating our liberties.

Because of these circumstances, we call on the authorities to:
 discharge their role as guarantors of the defense of public rights and liberties,
 re-establish immediately, the full right to demonstrate;
 cease unwarranted searches and arbitrary house arrests and only carry out actions that are legal;
 establish effective guaranties of control;
 lift the state of emergency;
 give up on the reform to the Constitution that was prepared in haste and which contains unacceptable provisions

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  • Co-signatories

    AFD International, Agir pour le changement démocratique en Algérie (Acda), Altertour, L’Appel des appels, Assemblée citoyenne des originaires de Turquie (Acort), Association démocratique des Tunisiens en France (ADTF), Association française des juristes démocrates (AFJD), Association France Palestine solidarité (AFPS), Association Grèce France Résistance, Association interculturelle de production, de documentation et de diffusion audiovisuelles (AIDDA), Association des Marocains en France (AMF), Association pour la reconnaissance des droits et libertés aux femmes musulmanes (ARDLFM), Association des travailleurs maghrébins de France (ATMF), Association des Tunisiens en France (ATF), Association des universitaires pour le respect du droit international en Palestine (Aurdip), Attac, Cadac, Cedetim, Centre islamique Philippe Grenier (CIPG), Centre de recherche et d’information pour le développement (Crid), CGT-Police Paris, Collectif 3C, Collectif des 39, Collectif CGT Insertion-Probation (UGFF-CGT), Collectif Judéo Arabe et Citoyen pour la Palestine (CJACP), Collectif Stop le contrôle au faciès, Confédération générale du travail (CGT), Confédération nationale du logement (CNL), Confédération paysanne, Conseil national des associations familiales laïques (Cnafal), Collectif contre l’islamophobie en France (CCIF), Collectif des féministes pour l’égalité (CFPE), Collectif Memorial 98, Collectif des musulmans de France (CMF), Collectif national pour les droits des femmes (CNDF), Comité pour le développement et le patrimoine (CDP), Comité pour le respect des libertés et des droits de l’Homme en Tunisie (CRLDHT), Commission islam et laïcité, Confédération syndicale des familles (CSF), Coordination de l’action non-violente de l’Arche (Canva), Coordination des collectifs AC !, Droits devant !, Droit au logement (Dal), Droit solidarité, Emmaüs France, Emmaüs International, Fédération internationale des Ligues des droits de l’Homme (FIDH), Fédération nationale de la Libre pensée, Fédération des Tunisiens citoyens des deux rives (FTCR), Femmes Solidaires, Filles et fils de la République (FFR), Fondation Copernic, Fondation Danielle Mitterrand France Libertés, Genepi, Ipam, La Cimade, La Ligue de l’enseignement, La Quadrature du Net, Le Gisti, Le Mouvement de la paix, Les Amoureux au ban public, Les Céméa, Ligue des droits de l’Homme (LDH), Maison des potes, Mamans toutes égales (MTE), Minga-agir ensemble pour une économie équitable, Mouvement contre le racisme et pour l’amitié entre les peuples (Mrap), Observatoire international des prisons (OIP) - section française, Organisation de femmes égalité, Osez le féminisme !, Planning familial, Réseau d’alerte et d’intervention pour les droits de l’Homme (RaidH), Réseau éducation sans frontières (RESF), Réseau euromaghrébin culture et citoyenneté (REMCC), Réseau Euromed France (REF), Réseau Immigration Développement Démocratie (IDD), SNPES-PJJ/FSU, Solidaires étudiant-e-s, Solidarité laïque, Sud Intérieur, Syndicat des avocats de France (Saf), Syndicat français des artistes interprètes (SFA), Syndicat de la magistrature, Syndicat de la médecine générale, Syndicat national des arts vivants (Synavi), Syndicat national des journalistes (SNJ), Syndicat national unitaire interministériel des territoires, de l’agriculture et de la mer (SNUITAM – FSU), SNJ-CGT, Unef, Union générale des fédérations de fonctionnaires CGT (UGFF-CGT), Union juive française pour la paix (UJFP), Union nationale lycéenne (UNL), Union syndicale de la psychiatrie (USP), Union syndicale Solidaires, Union des travailleurs immigrés tunisiens (Utit).

    Associations locales et autres :
    Asti 93, Collectif 07 stop au gaz et huile de schiste, Collectif BDS Saint-Etienne, Collectif Justice & Libertés (Strasbourg), Collectif Maquis de Corrèze, Collectif Romeurope 94, la revue Ecole émancipée, Espace franco-algérien, Faucheurs volontaires de la Loire, la revue Inprecor, le journal Regards, Réseaux citoyens Saint-Etienne, Vigilance OGM 18.

  • Member organisations - France
    vignette contact
    17 Passage de la Main d'Or 75011 Paris
    0033 1 43 55 25 18
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