Cyprus: Joint appeal to drop the case against KISA co-founder Doros Polykarpou

© Aboodi Vesakaran / Unsplash

On 12 December 2024, several organisations, including the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, expressed concern in a joint letter to Cyprus Attorney General Mr. Georgios L. Savvides regarding the prosecution of Doros Polykarpou, co-founder of KISA. Mr. Polykarpou, a prominent defender of migrants, refugees, and victims of trafficking in Cyprus, faces charges stemming from an incident at the Pournara First Reception Centre.

12 December 2024. These charges are widely regarded as unfounded and politically motivated. In the absence of any response from the authorities, the signatory organisations have decided to make this letter public. Read the joint appeal below.

Joint Letter to Mr Savvides by Obs defenders

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