15 000 rally against fascism and racism in Finland

Press release

Large demonstration against fascism and racism took place in Helsinki today, as 15 000 people gathered at the central Senate square.

Equipped with football referee whistles, the crowd’s message was "stop this game" or "peli poikki" in Finnish. The demonstrators demanded action from the government against organised neo-nazi and extreme right wing groups in Finland.

The event was also commemorated the death of a young man assaulted by neo-nazis in front of the Helsinki Railway Station two weeks ago.

Former Finnish president Tarja Halonen was the main speaker at the event, and she strongly condemned the violence.

The event closed with a moment of silence for the deceased young man, and a symphony orchestra founded specifically for the event playing Finland´s national composer Sibelius´ piece “Finlandia”.

Several smaller Peli poikki demonstrations were held across the country.

Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yy6YTDRlaU

More information:

About the event:

Aleksi Pahkala, 040 7643 365, aleksi.pahkala@gmail.com
Liisa Nassir Tolonen 040 1423 770, lstolonen@gmail.com.

About human rights situation in Finland:
Kaari Mattila
puh. 050 5368 195, kaari.mattila@ihmisoikeusliitto.fi

Social media:
Facebook: facebook.com/pelipoikki and event invitation
Twitter: @PeliPoikki2016
Hashtag #pelipoikki

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