6 September 2024. During the last legislative cycle, there were some important developments. In a landmark judgment in the Commission v Hungary (C78/18), the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) highlighted the discriminatory nature of Hungary’s 2017 NGO law and found a violation of a number of rights, including the right to freedom of association.
Further rights-based cases followed, including a pending case on LGTBQI+ rights and, under the new financial framework, the European Commission launched a novel funding stream, dedicated to enhancing skills and knowledge in litigating Charter rights.
With the start of a new legislative term this is a critical moment to build on these cases and more effectively utilise the Charter for the protection of rights. This requires a concerted strategy from monitoring, through complaints to infringement proceedings to litigation and the execution of judgments- and needs to be under-pinned by funding for strategic litigation.