Total pollutes democracy - stop TOTALitarianism in Burma

en fr

 This report demonstrates that the evidence, the business interests of Total
and community expectations point to only one possible solution : Total must
withdraw from Burma. It must stop providing direct political and fi nancial
support to the military regime. To remain in Burma is to be complicit in the
ongoing human rights violations that are taking place in the country, to ignore
the express wishes of the democratically elected opposition parties and to place
profi t above all forms of corporate social responsibility. The Total investment in
Burma represents signifi cant risks for its business and its corporate reputation.

 Furthermore, Total must fully and in good faith compensate all the victims
of human rights violations perpetrated by Army personnel who were engaged
to secure the pipeline area.

 Total must also consider the adequacy of both its Ethical Guidelines, which
are applied in Burma and its other countries of operation and its Total E&P
Myanmar Code of Conduct2. These guidelines should be expanded to comply
with the UN Norms and should have cogent and independent monitoring
mechanisms to ensure that an objective assessment is made of Total’s compliance,
at regular intervals.

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