Olympic Games in Beijing: China continues to ignore the Olympic Charter

Press release
en fr

At the opening of the Olympic Games in Beijing, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) condemns the repressive policy led by the authorities of the People’s Republic of China against civil society and Human rights defenders.

The Chinese government did not keep its promise and did not respect the Olympic Charter. The ceremony taking place today will not mark the opening of games « at service of the harmonious development of man ». The Games will not take place in a « peaceful society ». The authorities have clearly manifested that they did not worry about preserving human dignity despite the repeated calls to the international community.

Although China could have used this occasion to act in favor of Human rights, it chose the repression and silence. The repressive measures taken against Human Rights defenders, lawyers, journalists and political dissidents have deteriorated before the games and are spoiling an event supposed to promote peace.

The regime must take concrete measures as quickly as possible such as the release of dissidents therefore demonstrating to the international community its intention to keep its engagements.

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