The International Federation for Human Rigths, FIDH expresses its satisfaction concerning the arrest of the Peruvian former president, Alberto Fujimori, a fugitive from the Peruvian justice who is accused of very serious human rights violations and of corruption. The FIDH urges the Chilean government to bring Fujimori as soon as possible before the Peruvian justice.
The FIDH wishes to recall that the ex-president, Alberto Fujimori is accused by the Peruvian Justice of illicit enrichment and of murder, bodily harm and disappearances related to the massacres of the Barrios Altos and La Cantuta that took place during his government in 1991 and in 1992.
Since November 2000, when Fujimori fled to Japan leaving the government he presided behind, this fugitive has refused to face up the Peruvian justice. In 2003, INTERPOL issued an international warrant of arrest and the Peruvian government requested his extradition from Japan.
Yesterday, Fujimori arrived in Chile and as he was settling up in the Marriott hotel he was arrested by the Chilean judge Orlando Alvarez’s order. The FIDH calls the Chilean government and the Chilean justice in accordance with article 7 of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment to maintain the fugitive Fujimori in detention and to bring him before the Peruvian Justice as soon as possible.
Bringing to Justice Alberto Fujimori will contributes to the reinforcement of the rule of law in Peru. It will represent an important step in the overcoming of impunity. We trust that Chilean authorities will contribute to this purpose, as it comes within the framework of the Inter-American Democratic Charter, which reaffirms that “the promotion and protection of human rights are essential for democracy”.
Mr. President, you have shown in more than one opportunity your commitment to Human Rights, today you are facing a historic moment, as was the case with the request of prosecution of Pinochet before the Chilean Courts, by bringing Fujimori to Peruvian justice you are contributing to the advancement of the justice in the world.
Yours Faithfully,
Sidiki Kaba
President of the FIDH