The report presents the policy, security and legal context that surrounds the treatment of migrant workers, such as the contraction of European migration policy and externalization of European borders, criminalization of migration and adoption of a repressive migration policy framework, explosion of detentions and deportations, and increased deaths and abuses during transit and attempted migration, as well as the lack of transparency and consultation in the formulation of Senegalese migration policies. These recent developments have led to grave violation of the rights of migrant workers described in the report : violations of the right to life, discrimination, ill-treatment, sexual abuse, arbitrary detentions, collective and arbitrary deportations, family separation, arbitrary deprivation of property, violations of the right to effective recourse, the right to leave any country, and the right to private life, etc.
Civil society organizations emphasize the responsibility that Senegal holds for the violations that are taking place against migrant workers in Senegal, and against those who are in transit during migration attempts through the sea or the North African desert, as well as against Senegalese migrant workers residing in other countries. The susbscribing organizations consider that the government of Senegalese has partial responsibility for violations committed outside of Senegal, including because of the fact that it collaborates with European migration policies in contravention of provisions in the Migrant Workers Convention.
The shadow report issues a series of recommendations calling on Senegal to fully respect the provisions in the Migrant Workers Convention. These incude a call by the signatory organizations for the Senegalese government as well as other African governments to refuse to collaborate with European countries in managed migration policies that generate violations of humam rights as well as criminalize migrants. The organizations also urge all States to cease governmental policies that lead to violations of migrant workers and their families, and call for achieve universal ratification of the Migrant Workers Convention and respect for all regional and international human rights instruments.
Organizations signatories of the report :
Rencontre Africaine pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme (RADDHO) (Africa/Senegal)
West African Refugee and International Displaced Persons Network (WARIPNET) (West Africa/Senegal)
PARI/CARITAS - Senegal (Point d’Accueil pour Réfugiés et Immigrés) (Senegal)
ONG Association Nationale pour l’Alphabétisation et la Formation des Adultes (ONG ANAFA)(Senegal)
Réseau Africain pour le développement Intégré (RADI)(Africa / Senegal)
Centre Africain pour l’Education aux Droits Humains (CAEDHU)(Senegal)
Ligue sénégalaise des droits humains (LSDH) (Senegal)
With the support of:
Justice Without Borders for Migrants (JSF-JWB Migrants) (Africa / Europe)
International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) (international)
Panafricain Network for the Defense of Migrants’ Rights – European Diaspora Section (International / Europe)
Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (CEAR) (Spain)
Migrants Rights International (MRI)(international / Switzerland)
Open Society Initiative for West Africa (West Africa / Senegal)