Commander Aboubacar Sidiki Camara, nicknamed “De Gaulle”, former Head of the Presidential Guard, was indicted on 31 July 2013 for his alleged responsibility in acts of torture committed in Conakry. In October 2010, members of the Presidential Guard of Sékouba Konaté, acting president during the transition period, arbitrarily arrested, detained and tortured a certain number of people. FIDH and its Guinean member organisation OGDH, alongside the victims, filed a complaint with the Guinean courts. Commander Aboubacar Sidiki Camara is the third person to be indicted in this case. Commander Sékou Resco Camara, Governor of Conakry and General Nouhou Thiam, former Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces were indicted, respectively, on 14 and 25 February 2013. Read complete article (in French): Guinée : inculpation de l’ancien chef de la garde présidentielle dans l’affaire des tortures de 2010