Moussa Dadis Camara, former head of the Guinean junta, was indicted on 8 July in Burkina Faso where he resided. As commander in chief of the armed forces in 2009, his direct criminal responsibility in the Conakry stadium massacre, which left scores of dead and victims of rape, had already been highlighted by a UN Commission of Inquiry. Further actions were undertaken against Dadis Camara, respectively in 2011 and 2015, by the serving of Letters Rogatory which finally secured his indictment.
FIDH and its member and partner organisations [1] welcome this development which constitutes a major step towards justice for the hundreds of victims that we represent and have worked alongside these past 6 years.
We expect the Guinean judiciary to undertake their work in a climate of serenity and conduct without delay this long-awaited trial in a transparent and credible fashion with the participation of all those involved in the massacre.
Read the full article and background explanations.