25 years of protecting human rights defenders: The Observatory is evolving!

Press release
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©All rights reserved - Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders

The Observatory for the protection of human rights defenders, partenship of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation against Torture (OMCT) is 25 years old!

On this occasion, The Observatory is pleased to announce their new delivery system and visual identity! Starting July 4, 2022, their alerts will be sent via a new domain name: alert@observatoryfordefenders.org.

That means that to continue receiving press releases, urgent appeals, and reports, you must sign up for this new system.

If you’re interested in staying informed about violations against human rights defenders around the world, be sure to sign up here.

You may select the region or regions you are interested in:
 North Africa & Middle East
 Asia & The Pacific
 Europe & Central Asia

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