Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights: Reflections on the ’Second Revised Draft’

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On Friday 7 August 2020, the Chair of the UN Open-ended intergovernmental working group (IGWG) in charge of developing a Legally Binding Instrument (LBI) to regulate the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises published the Second Revised Draft of the LBI.

After a statement issued immediately publication, where FIDH, FIAN and Franciscans International welcomed the draft, FIDH is publishing its Reflections on the ’Second Revised Draft’, a more comprehensive summary of its analysis.

This publication summarises FIDH’s essential reflections on the text and outlines some of the main challenges that remain in the current draft. We hope that this exercise will be helpful to stimulate the work of civil society and of governmental delegations in preparation of the October session.

FIDH will address these concerns during the 6 th IGWG session, in its conversations with other involved organisations and delegations and in its interventions on this topic.
We call upon negotiating States—especially those who have repeatedly called for substantive discussions to take place, those who declare being committed to achieve a more sustainable globalisation, as well as those who are contemplating the adoption of domestic mandatory HRDD measures—to prepare and engage with the draft’s content, as well as to make efforts to strengthen the text in view of making the protection of human rights more effective in cases of corporate abuse.

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