During the discussion, moderated by Maria Isabel Cubides (FIDH programme officer, globalisation and human rights), Larissa Santos (Justiça nos Trilhos) exposed the human rights and environmental impacts of the iron and steel industry of the Carajás Corridor, especially those suffered by the community of Piquiá de Baixo (Maranhão, Brazil). Marcel Gomes (Reporter Brasil) shed light on the structure of the iron supply chain and described some of the main buyers of the metal mined in the region.
The event also included a policy discussion, with German Zamara (OECD Centre for responsible business conduct), Sylvia Obregon (European Coalition for Corporate Justice) and Julia Mello Neiva (Conectas). How can the mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence EU directive proposal address the negative impacts happening in lower tiers of global mineral supply chains? What should be the changes in Brazilian laws and policies to address these impacts? What role could the OECD play to address such negative impacts given the fact that Brazil is seeking accession to the multilateral body?