Oral statement of 7th February , 2007 on Review of Mandates

Press release

Geneva, 7 February 2007

Mr. Facilitator,

In any reform process, key and relevant issues must be identified for change.

One real issue is so much whether Special Procedures (SP) irresponsible and accountable, to governments, but whether the very governments who promulgate a Code of Conduct to restrict the protective actions of SPs, are willing to cooperate with SPs in order to address human right violations.

It is not difficult to see that Examples of government intimidation of SP far outweigh any possible examples of SPs’ non-accountability. I would like to ask
the delegates of Algeria, China, Pakistan and Cuba to bear this in mind.

As we mentioned yesterday, non-cooperation with SP should lead to sanctions, such as suspense of and non-re-election to the Council. Standing invitations should be a norm, and not a practice. The possibility of SP country missions on the ground must be increased and their conclusions and recommendations must be subject to more publicity and reactivity.

The SP should be able to react quickly in order to alert States on grave human rights abuses in order to provide protection to victims and to prevent further abuses from occurring.

Thank you for your attention Mr. Facilitator

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