The objective: To invite web users to join a virtual protest in Brussels and to incite them call on European policy-makers take action to save and protect migrant persons trying to reach Europe.
“The decisions that will be taken at the summit will have direct effects on the lives of thousands of migrant persons,” stated Karim Lahidji, FIDH President, adding: “The respect for their rights should be at the heart of the debate.”
Through #Occupy4Migrants, web users can make their voices heard alongside that of FIDH and other NGOs.
Together, we will demand that European decision-makers:
- create a real Mediterranean rescue operation, complete with the means necessary to prevent shipwrecks and effectively save all those in distress;
- show solidarity in the reception of migrant persons on European territory;
- open legal and safe channels that allow migrant persons to gain access to European territory without having to risk their lives.
The European Summit will be held a few days after International Refugee Day, to be celebrated on 20 June 2015.
Elena Crespi, Head of the FIDH Europe Desk is available to answer the journalists’ questions (in French, English and Italian)