FIDH would like to draw the attention of the Members of European Parliament and of the Council to the fact that many of these provisions are contrary to the commitments undertaken barely three years ago by the member states of the EU in the framework of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers. FIDH thus recommends taking into account the following recommendations in order to insure the conformity of the proposed Directive with the international obligations and commitments of the member states. It is only under these conditions that the directive can be both legally acceptable and politically defendable.
More generally, FIDH would like to put forward, at this time of progressive harmonization of migration policies, the historic responsibility of the MEPs and the European member states in the construction of a global migration policy both fair and exemplary. This responsibility demands not only the scrupulous verification of any measure adopted within the framework of the fight against illegal immigration in order to ensure no human rights violations, but also implies the need to ensure that community harmonization enables the adoption of the most humane and protective measures possible with regard to migrants rights.