This resolution reiterates the position advocated by FIDH and its member and partner organisations in Cameroon, in particular our organisations’ recommendations to respect human rights and basic freedoms of the civilian population as the only way of restoring real peace and dialogue.
In light of the escalated violence expected during the presidential elections scheduled for Sunday 7 October, our organisations are again calling on the authorities to end repression, to order impartial, independent investigations so that full information can be obtained on the violence that has been rife in the Anglophone regions since October 2016 and to prosecute the perpetrators.
The African Commission condemns the crimes committed during the Anglophone crisis in Cameroon

At its 62nd ordinary session (25 April-5 May 2018) the African Commission for Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) adopted a resolution condemning “the various human rights violations committed in the country since October 2016” as well as the outbreak of the Anglophone crisis now affecting the country. The Commission especially condemned the continuous repression against human rights defenders and urged the Cameroonian authorities to carry out independent, impartial investigations in order to identify and judge the alleged perpetrators of the violations committed. The Commission also decided to undertake a general human rights promotion mission to Cameroon.