Bahrain continues to harass Nabeel Rajab

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Since 2011, Bahrain authorities have been relentlessly harassing the human rights activist Nabeel Rajab, President of the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights - BCHR, and FIDH Deputy Secretary General.

Any excuse will do to keep Nabeel quiet. He was accused in all sorts of trumped up charges and sentenced to six months in jail on 20 January 2015 for supposedly "insulting public institutions and the army" on Twitter. He had been released but was not allowed to leave the country.

Further harassment began on 13 June 2016 when he was arrested while at home. He is still in temporary detention. Things took a dramatic turn on 28 June, when Nabeel had to be hospitalised because his health had deteriorated in prison. There is no justification for this harassment and it must stop immediately.

See our infographic, published on 30 April 2015, that recounts the history of Nabeel’s intolerable harassment.

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