20 Critical issues for a successful outcome of the Human Rights Council’s Institution Building Process

Press release

On 4 June 2007, the President of the Human Rights Council will present his final text on the institution
building process. It will be a first outcome of the work done by all stakeholders in the Council’s first year
of operation, and will serve as the basis for the final negotiations before the conclusive decision-making
on 18 June 2007. At the beginning of the last phase of the institution building process, we recall 20 critical
issues that need to be reflected in the final outcome. Overall, the effectiveness of the Council will depend
on it establishing integrated and comprehensive mechanisms for protecting and promoting human rights.

While the different parts of the institution building process must be combined into a coherent whole, the following points are critical to an effective outcome of the institution building of the Human Rights Council.

See the following 20 critical issues on the joint document

 Amnesty International
 Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development
 Asian Legal Resource Centre
 Association for the Prevention of Torture
 Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies
 Conectas Direitos Humanos
 CORE Centre for Organisation Research & Education
 Democracy Coalition Project
 Franciscans International
 Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women
 Human Rights Watch
 International Service for Human Rights
 International Federation of Human Rights Leagues

See also : The launch of FIDH HRC5 Position Paper
Action on Countries: a Litmus Test for the Human Rights Council

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