Forum on Migration (36th FIDH Congress, 2007) - Documentation on Migration and Human Rights

Press release
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The Forum on Migration, organised in Lisbon from the 19 to the 21 of April 2007, gathered FIDH member organisations, international and regional organisations, other partner civil society organisations, researchers and experts. Il examined the human rights situation of economic migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and internally displaced people in the different regions of the world, with a special focus on South-South migration. During the Forum, the participants explored the many challenges arising as a result of global mobility: growing feminisation, the developpement of irregular migrations, the diversification of flows and trajectories, the limits of regional and international bodies in charge of protecting migrants rights, etc.

 FIDH Reports
 FIDH Articles & Press releases

Dossier RFI : Chemins clandestins vers l’Europe

 Online Ressources
 International Organisations
 Civil Society Organisations
 Indicative Bibliography


South Africa
Note on irregular migrant workers (to be published MayJune 2007)

Les "centres fermés" en Belgique : l’arrière-cour de la démocratie, May 1999

Paving the way for arbitrary justice, January 1999

Migrant workers in Israel : a contemporary form of slavery, August 2003

Right to asylum in Italy: Access to procedures and treatment of asylum seekers, June 2005

Massive internal displacements due to politically instigated ethnic clashes, April 2007

Report on refugees and irregular migrant workers (to be published April 2007)

Locking up foreigners, dettering refugees: controlling migratory flows in Malta, September 2004

Note on the situation of irregular migrants at the Northern border (USA) and Southern border (Guatemala) of Mexico (to be published April 2007)

Note on the new immigration law (to be published April 2007)
Note on the antiGeorgian campaign of Fall 2006 (to be published April 2007)

Articles and press releases

Les immigrés sont là pour rester, faisonsleur
de la place
, 24/10/2006

Pour un Haut Commissariat aux migrants du monde, 24/10/2006

« Protégez les droits des migrants et des réfugiés ! », 14/09/2006

"Protégez maintenant !", 11/07/2006

Entrée et séjour des étrangers en France : Appel pour le retrait du projet de loi, Lettre ouverte à Monsieur Jacques Chirac, 30/05/2006

Pétition Nationale "NOUS LES PRENONS SOUS NOTRE PROTECTION", avril 2006

Pétition Uni(e)s contre une immigration jetable, 2006

Discrimination against Indigenous Peoples, Illegal Immigrants, Refugees and Prohibited Immigrants : CERD conclusions on Botswana, 6/03/2006

Appel européen pour la dignité : « L’Europeforteresse va droit dans le mur de la honte.", 14/10/2005

European Court of Human Rights interim measures Italy and EU Members States should stop deportations towards Libya, 13/05/2005

Plusieurs centaines d’ONG et d’élus européens s’opposent à la création de camps, 3/11/2004

Appel contre la création de camps aux frontières de l’Europe, 15/10/2004

Union européenne et droit d’asile : de graves menaces à la protection des réfugiés, 27/08/2004

Briser le mythe de l’ « immigration zéro », 22/05/2000

Online Resources

Global Commission on International Migration (GCIM), Migration in an interconnected word, 2005, available at: (also available in French and Spanish)

Office of the UN High Commissonner for Human Rights, Fact Sheet on the Rights of Migrants, 1996, (also available in French and Spanish), available at:

 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 2005 Global Refugee Trends:

  • Statistical Overview of refugees, asylumseekers, internally displaced persons, stateless persons, and other persons of concern to UNHCR, (also available in French and Spanish), available at:
  • Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Asylum Trends: Asylum Claims in industrialised countries, 2005, (also available in French and Spanish), available at:
  • Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Internally Displaced People: Questions and Answers (also available in French and Spanish), available at:
  • Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), The State of the World’s Refugees, 2006, (also available in French and Spanish), available at:

International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC), Strengthening Protection of Migrant Workers and their Families with International Human Rights Treaties: A DoItYourself Kit, March 2006, 86p, disponible à:

International NGO Platform on the Migrant Workers’ Convention (IPMWC), A Guide for NonGovernmental Organisations on the Implementation of the UN Migrant Workers’ Convention, August 2005, 88 p., available at: in English, French and Spanish

United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (UNINSTRAW), research papers and data on gender and remittances, available at: (also available in French and Spanish)

Panos Institute West Africa, Les migrations forcées en Afrique de l’ouest, Faits et documents, 2004, available at:

La Documentation française, Réfugiés et droit d’asile dans le monde, updated March 2007, available at:

International Francophone Organisation, Bamako Declaration "Francophonie et démocratie sont indissociable", November 2000 and Saint Boniface Declaration on conflict prevention ans human security, May 2006, available at:

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Trends in international migration, SOPEMI, 2006 (also available in French); other notes and statistics available at: (theme: international migration)

Organisation for security and cooperation in Europe (OSCE), International Organisation for Migration (IOM), International Labour Organisation (ILO), Handbook on Establishing Effective Labour Migration Policies in Countries of Origin and Destination, 2006, 260p, available at:

United nations organisations (UNO), HighLevel
Dialogue on international migration and development,
Regional Profiles, 2006, available at:

United nations organisations (UNO), Summary of the HighLevel
Dialogue on international migration and development, presented by the President of the Assembly, A/61/515 (also available in French and Spanish),
available at:

Radio France Internationale (RFI), Chemins clandestins vers l’Europe, compilation of reports, data and maps regarding clandestine migration from Africa to Europe, available at :

International Organisations
United Nations Committee on Migrant Workers

Office of the UN High Commissonner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (HCR)

International Labour Organisation International
Labour Migration Programme

United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants (M. Bustamante)

United Nations Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially in women and children (Mme Huda)

UNESCO - Programme on International Migration and Multicultural Policies

Civil Society Organisations

AntiSlavery International

Asian Migrants

Global Campaign for Ratification of the Convention on Rights of Migrants

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)

December 18 - International Advocacy and Resource Centre on the Human Rights of Migrant Workers

Migrants Rights International

World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)

International NGO Plateform on the Migrant Workers’ Convention (IPMWC)

Indicative Bibliography

Asian Migrant Centre, Asian Migrant Yearbook, 2004

World Bank, International Migration, Remittances, and Brain Drain, Trade and Development Series, 2005

François Brun and Smaïn Laacher, Situation régulière: être régularisé, L’Harmattan, 2002, 168p

Carlier and Sylvie Saroléa (dir.), Droit des étrangers et nationalité, C.U.P., vol. 77, Larcier, 2005

CEPAL, Migración Internacional, Derechos Humanos y Desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe, March 2006, UNO

Séverine Chappaz, Les migrations internationales, Cahiers français, La Documentation française n° 307, mars-avril 2002, 96 p.

United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), Human Rights Protection Applicable to Women Migrant Workers, A Briefing Paper, 2003

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), A Passage to Hope: Women and International Migration, State of the world population, 2006.

Smaïn Laacher, Le peuple des clandestins, Paris, CalmanLévy, 2007, 224p

Rémy Leveau, Catherine Wihtol de Wenden and Khadija Mohsen Finan, Nouvelles citoyennetés : réfugiés et sanspapiers dans l’espace européen, Institut français des relations internationales, 2001, 204 p.

International Francophone Organisation (OIF), Le mouvement panafricaniste au vingtième siècle: Recueil de textes, Contribution to the conference of intellectuals from Africa and the Diaspora (CIAD I), organised by the African Union, in partnership with Senegal, Dakar, 79, October 2004

International Organisation for Migration (IOM), World Development Report, 2005.

International Labour Organisation (OIT), Preventing Discrimination, Exploitation and Abuse of Women Migrant Workers, Information Guide, Gender Promotion Programme, 2003

World Health Organisation (WHO), International Migration, health and human rights, 2005, 36p (also available in French and Spanish)

United Nations Secretary General, Report on International Migration and Development, UN.Doc. A/60/871, 18 May 2006

United Nations Secretary General, Report on Trafficking in Women and Girls, 2004

Sylvie Saroléa, Droit d’asile. Cent questions, cent réponses, Ed. Jeunesse et Droit, 2ème éd., 2004

Luc Sindjoun (dir.), Etat, individus et réseaux dans les migrations africaines, Paris, Karthala, 2004, 358 p.

Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, Atlas des migrations dans le monde. Réfugiés ou migrants volontaires, Autrement, Paris, 2005

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