Forum on Migration (36th FIDH Congress, 2007) - Regional & Thematic Papers

Press release
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The Forum on Migration, organised in Lisbon from the 19 to the 21 of April 2007, gathered FIDH member organisations, international and regional organisations, other partner civil society organisations, researchers and experts. It examined the human rights situation of economic migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and internally displaced people in the different regions of the world, with a special focus on South-South migration. During the Forum, the participants explored the many challenges arising as a result of global mobility: growing feminisation, the developpement of irregular migrations, the diversification of flows and trajectories, the limits of regional and international bodies in charge of protecting migrants rights, etc.

 Regional Papers
 Thematic Papers

 International Migrations and Human Right: Summary of the facts

Regional Papers

North Africa, Middle East, Turkey and the Gulf States
State of Ratifications of Relevant Conventions and Protocols Broken Down by Countries of the Region
SubSaharan Africa
The Americas
Asia Central
Asia: Kirghizstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan

Thematic Papers

Women and Migration
Obstacles to the right of asylum in the world
Legal instruments and protection mechanisms
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